Friday, October 7, 2011

Guess what

So guess what… I have cancer.  This comes as a surprise because I am never sick.  I had a cold one time and kept telling Renée I was going to die because I felt so miserable, I got no sympathy.  My visits to the doctors growing up, felt to me anyways, were for broken bones.  I did have an ingrown toenail taken out while I was on my mission in Canada though.  My only concerns recently for my heath were my weight and all round physical fitness.  I found a way to get myself into physical fitness, join the Air Force.  This would not only put me in good physical heath but also provide a means to support my family.  I kinda got into running, kinda got into working out at the gym and really got into riding my bike.  In fact this new found hobby of mine became a wonderful way to just get out and clear my mind.  I have access, right close to me, to some good trails for my mtn. bike and some nice roads and hills for my road bike.  That, coupled with my job and Fed-Ex Ground got me down to weight for the Air Force.  I was able to swear in and a few weeks later I had a ship date of Nov. 22nd, Renée’s and my wedding anniversary.

            Well a little before I swore into the Air Force I stopped exercising because I didn’t think I was going to be able to work at my job at night.  When I did go out and ride it was usually an easy one and maybe I stopped more often too.  My job at Fed-Ex was physically demanding but not enough to put me out the next day, but it was.  One night at work I was so exhausted that by the time I got to my car I was only able to text Renée that it was not safe for me to drive and I was going to sleep a bit in my car.  That text never got to her; I instead sent it to the person who was alphabetically in front of my wife…  Recruiter.  It was embarrassing but at least I didn’t send him a love text like others he has received from other recruits.  A few days later I called in sick because I never got over the fatigue from that night.  A few weeks later, on a Saturday, I helped my father-in-law, Rick, put together a tent to cover his boat.  It took about seven or so hours and I was hurting.  I took every chance to take a break, but it wasn’t to catch my breath but to just try and gather some lasting ounce of strength.  It never came.  The next day I left early from church and by Monday I was feeling like I had to call in sick.  It was at this time Renée touched my arm and was surprised to feel how warm I was.  I took my temp and it was around 102F°.  So I called in sick again.  They wanted me to go to a doctor’s because I had called in sick just a few weeks before, feeling the same way.  Next day the doctor said I had pneumonia or bronchitis.  Well that was it, and I was confident that I was going to be able to get back on track in just a week.  That’s not what happened.

            The Saturday after that I had a temp of 104F° then I got to go on a trip to the ER.  Renée had to stay home with our daughter Liliana so my father-in-law got to take me there.  The chest scan showed a mass and I was told to go see an oncologist.  I had no idea where to look for one so I went to my Sister-in-law, who happens to be an expert, and she recommended her doctor.  After various medical tests and a few procedures they were able to determine that I had Lymphoma, what type it was, and the severity of it.  It looks like I will be off of work till June and I will be on chemo for 6 months.  While that was going on I was relieved of my obligations to the Air Force.

 *breaths deeply, then exhales.*  Ok here we go.


  1. I don't know if I am an "expert" but I appreciate the vote of confidence. I was able to beat lymphoma and so can you! You are always in our prayers and whatever we can do to make this easier for you, Renee and Liliana, we will. Love you!

  2. Wow. Sorry to hear that Bro. Like Holly said, you will be in our prayers. Let us know if we can do anything to help out.

  3. Wow...i am so sorry to hear this....i am praying for a speedy recovery Clay! And also for your family. To I still dont always understand why Heavenly Father sees fit for us to go through such things....but He knows what Hes doing. Love ya cuz.
