Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Children... cont'd

Wanting to cryogenically freeze your sperm costs money… huh, go figure.  As it turns out I happen to have cancer and was approved for the Sharing Hope discount which is from LIVESTRONG.  They paid for half of the costs, lab tests, freezing, and storage for a year.  I am so grateful for this.

It was hard to find the fertility clinic at first.  It is in some building with an imposing red geometric set of monkey bars built right on the face of it.  So all of the directions to this place said it was on the plaza level… what do you think of when you hear plaza level?  Well I think that it is a fancy word for first floor.  So I walked in the building and all I saw was elevators and a hallway which did not have the fertility clinic in it.  So I walked outside and looked around.  Then I saw their sign that pointed the way down some stairs that led to a lower parking lot and offices that had access only from the outside.  I called Renée, who was parking the car because we were late, and left a message for her about how to get there.  So it turns out plaza level means basement, with no elevator access.  It was an adventure but we both made it. 

Of course I needed to actually provide specimens for this all to happen and have a blood test for STDs.  With each sample I provided they determined the count and mobility.  We haven’t received an account on all of them, but the first sample had a low count but they were sure mobile… I guess water polo in high school paid off, so all is well.  300 anyone?

A few days ago I got a packet in the mail from LIVESTRONG thanking me for participating in their program.  Thank me? Thank you for the money.  They also gave me a refrigerator magnet and one of those yellow LIVESTRONG wrist bands.  When those yellow rubber wristbands first came out I thought they were pretty cool.  Then after a few years I started to think they were dumb because people were wearing them because it was the cool thing to do.  Well here it is however many years later and Lance Armstrong just gave me $600, I can wear his little wristband, thank you Lance Armstrong for the money.  I think what I’ll do is buy Trek from now on… I don’t know, maybe not.  Yeti looks good, plus it will be a while before that ever happens.

Anyways now that all of this is done I will start chemotherapy tomorrow.  I don’t know when it will end but I have to be there at 9am.  Renée will obviously be there with me for my first time, thanks to my awesome sister-in-law and brother-in-law who will be watching Liliana, which they are good at because they have watched so much already.  Liliana likes it there with her two cousins… well I think she does because when we go and get her she is always in a good mood.


  1. That building is ridiculous-I went to an office on the 3rd floor there for my pregnancy. I even got lost after I had been there a couple times! Good luck on continuing to build your family. Your daughter is incredibly adorable and I am sure God will bless you and your wife with more amazing children in his due time. I'm praying for you!

    ~Sarah Stevens
