Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chemotherapy for the first time.

I just got out of my first chemo treatment.  They told me that nausea won’t set in until tomorrow but I think the fear of it is doing me in right now.  So I decided to quickly write up a blog before I too sick to do so.

We woke our beautiful sleeping beauty Liliana and got her ready for another day at her cousins.  When we dropped her off she was ready to follow her cousin Elliot around the living room, all the while pointing and saying “Dah.”  Which I think translates to her saying “That” at anything that catches her attention.
Showing my iv hooked up to my port
 that is in my chest while
 trying to find a good tv show.

We got to the doctors and found that there was special cancer parking for me right in front of the building, perfect!!!  We walked right in and sat right down.  I was expecting a quiet place all to myself where I could just sit in my own fear of actually starting chemo.  The set up in the room felt like, at first, a place where cows are lined up to be milked.  I would have taken a picture but I don’t think the others there would have liked that.  There were enough people there getting their chemo who where all chatty with each other or the nurses that I knew I was not going to get any peace and quiet.  It was good though because it brought me right out and I even started to chit chat with the lady next to me.  She had a great attitude and was happy because it was her last treatment of chemo, I was excited for her.  After I told her this was my first time she didn’t much worry about me because I was only 25 and was going to be just fine.  Of course she warned me it’s all about my attitude and that was what really counted the most.  I’m sure in terms of cancer my good attitude wouldn’t mean a lick if I wasn’t getting it treated, but seeing as how I am covering all my basses I will try and keep it up.  After a while I was able to drown out all the sounds with the aid of a little TV and head set they provided.  I flipped back forth between Will & Grace and Fraser, two shows I wished I didn’t actually find captivating; I wish I had the Walking Dead.  Mean while Renée was playing Angry Birds on our Galaxy Tab.
Renee passing the time away palying Angry Birds.

Getting the Red Devil that turned my pee red.
One of my chemos is nice and red, they said that it would go in red and come out red too, so don’t be worried.  Sure enough when I was all done I had to go to the bathroom and it was red coming out.  I didn’t know if I should feel excitement because I knew the chemo was going through my body quickly and thus attacking my cancer or if I should be frightened because I knew the chemo was going through my body quickly and thus attacking the rest of my body.  Anyways it still came out red and that was pretty cool.

Well right now I feel that there is something in my body that isn’t normally there but I don’t feel nausea yet.  So I will just lay down now and wait for the time to take my nausea medicine again.  Hurray for killing cancer!!! Only 6 more months!!!


  1. Clayton,
    I can not believe how well you are handling this, I am proud. You and your family are in my thoughts :)

  2. I just recently found out about your cancer. I am sorry you have to go through all this, but confident that you will be fine! I'm so glad you are keeping this blog, both for you and for those of us far away who are concerned about you and your family! I bet you will look GREAT bald!:)

    Sheila (Donald's wife. Donald is Renee's cousin!)
