Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Three months left

HALF WAY DONE!!!  Well I am now half way done with my chemo treatment.  I have had 6 treatments and I have 6 left… and it sucks.  It’s not downhill from here it’s still all up hill. It’s like an escarpment, like Upper Canada.  But here I am with only a total of 6 months of chemo scheduled, where as the lady next to me who had Leukemia has 2 years worth of chemo, she has 19 months left.  I get chemo every other Friday and she gets it every Friday.  So again I am reminded that I don’t have it as bad as others.  That being said it was the worst chemo treatment ever.  I threw up like 6 times, fertilizing a tree.  I actually am getting nauseous just typing it up, so I will leave it at that. 

Change of subject, Liliana is so cute!!!  Before chemo this past Friday Liliana wanted to eat my breakfast.  It was too hot so I let her have a Cheez-It.  She had just finished her own breakfast so she just held it there in her hand, nibbling only a little of the corner.  She held it out in her hand all the way to the car watching everything else but that Cheez-It.  I locked her in her car seat and we took her to Jon and Shannon’s.  She still held on to that Cheez-It, but now half was nibbled away. Liliana was eager to get down and play.  I asked if I could put her down with the Cheez-It in her hand.  Shannon said they were food friendly so it was ok.  When I put her down she wanted to crawl to the other side of the room where there were buckets of toys.  She took one attempt with the occupied hand by putting her weight on the back of her wrist then stopped and gently placed the half Cheez-It on the shag rug and just left it there.  Made her way to the toys and was thus occupied from that moment.  I ate the rest of the Cheez-It.
Liliana also did a good job at getting me out of the house last week.  For Christmas I got a child’s seat for my bicycle… not for me of course but for Liliana.  It’s great because the weight is in a better spot than behind me.  It is great, and she loves it.  I was so excited to ride my bike and have her on it I decided to try and run an errand.  There is nothing close that needs to get done so we hopped on and rode to a Mexican restaurant and got a burrito.  We live on a nice slope so getting there was a breeze but I was feeling it on the way back.  That ride took a lot out of me.  next time I will just ride around the block.

1 comment:

  1. it's an errand if you NEED the burrito, Clayton. That bike seat is awesome tho, I wonder if they make it in adult sizes...?
