Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I'm Bald and So Can YOU!!!

Well my hair never fell out in clumps but it did start shedding a lot.  It was really disgusting and depressing.  When I shaved my head I instantly felt better.  Now I regularly keep it shaven.  This is because when I let it grow out I notice areas that are thinner than they were before chemo.  They are as listed, my hair line, my mustache, my chin and my butt. 

I have also started experimenting with different types of shaving.  First off I used clippers to cut it down.  Then I use the beard trimmer on my electric razor to shorten it even more, then I used a regular razor to finish it off.  The next day when it grew out a bit I used my electric razor and it worked fine as well.  I have also used my double edged razor, which was scary at first.  Next I plan on using my straight razor… now that will really be scary.

Nice phone Jon
Nice phone Robbie
There are others who have shaved their heads as well.  At first I thought it was silly and I didn’t need the support, but now I think it pretty cool.  My brother-in-law Jon was quick to jump on the opportunity to shave his head.  Then a mutual friend of ours, Robbie, decided to do the same.  I asked Renée to shave her head too in support of her husband but she said no, flat out.  There was a compromise though and that was to chop off 12 inches and donate it Locks of Love.  They provide hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children who are suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis… again worse off than I am.  I think Renée looks gorgeous.

So thank you to those who have shaved or cut your hair.  As a show of thanks I will name one of my cancer fish after you and change it to your favorite color.  If there is anyone else who would like to shave their head or cut off enough to donate, I will do the same for you.  Just send me a picture of your new doo for my blog and the color of your choice. 

So in short, at first I thought people shaving their heads to support me was ridiculous, but now I think it’s okay.

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