I think I have had quite the adventures during my past 6 years. Here is a list of what was going on in my life at the time of my birthdays since I turned 20.
· I turned 20 in Oakland, Ca. I had gone on a New-Years trip with two of my friends, Katie and Megan to San Francisco. Had a girlfriend named Renée and was working at Estancia Hotel and Spa as a bus boy.
· I celebrated my 21st birthday on my mission. I was serving in Hailybury, Ontario. We went to a small town called Ville-Marie in Quebec and I bought a goofy hat. That goofy hat kept me nice and warm. This was the birthday that I realized my birthday was in the winter… when it snowed. My girlfriend Renée was waiting for me back home while I served my mission.
· My 22nd birthday was also spent on my mission but this time I was serving in Woodstock, Ontario. That winter it snowed hard, wet and heavy because I was right in the middle of the great lakes. Renée had dumped me saying I needed to “focus on the work.”
· When I turned 23 guess what...I was married to Renée!!! It looks like she waited after all.
· I was working two jobs at 24, Deseret Book and Fed-Ex Ground as a package handler.
· When I turned 25 I had a 14 day old baby girl.
· And now 26… Guess what… I have cancer. Crazy!!!

“The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,”
Gang aft agley,”
I figured I would go look up the poem and see what the whole thing said. Starting it off was a bit difficult because I didn’t understand the old English. You figure all the scripture reading I have done cwuld have prepared me for this poem. I guess the King James Version of the Bible is written in “Old English Lite”.
I felt bad for this little mouse. Robert Burns had just plowed through his house and winter was coming. But you know what that mouse was able to do? Build a new one. There has been one recurring theme throughout my list of birthdays and it is a desire to be with Renée. We met when I was 19 and slowly I fell in love with her. It was instantaneous for her of course. For the past 6 years I have had her in my life and was able to come out on top of many bad situations because of her. This is one of them. Our best-laid schemes had a plow dragged right through it and now here we are in a field running around like that little mouse before winter. But again that mouse had it in his capability to dig a new home just like we have the capability to keep moving forward. I know with Renée I can get through anything. Thank you Renée.
Aww look at us! We were so young and adorable! Hard to believe that was 7 years ago. ugh...
ReplyDeleteThat was very sweet! God has a funny way of placing people in our lives and testing us. But His plan is always certain! My prayers are with you throughout you cancer battle!<3